Kamis, 11 Februari 2016

Notes on Marketing Class at first Session

Wisnu Putra Prihantoro
Graduate Student of Master Program in Management
Graduate School School of Business (www.mb.ipb.ac.id)
Bogor Agriculture University (www.ipb.ac.id)


Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc. (www.ujansumarwan.blog.mb.ipb.ac.id, www.sumarwan.staff.ipb.ac.id, sumarwan@mb.ipb.ac.id)

Dr. Ir. Hartoyo, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Dodik Nur Rachmat, M.Sc.F.
Dr. Kirbandoko, M.S.M.
Dr. Ir. Mukhammad Najib, M.M.

300 words of our first lecture

That day was our first time to learn about marketing. Mr Kirbrandoko was out first lecturer. Actually it must start at 8.00 o'clock in the morning, but because most of our students lived in Jakarta, not many students came on time, mostly late. Mr. Kir. was upset at the first time because only few students just came, maybe just only 3-4 students came early. Some friends who came early also told us in our whatsapp group that the lecturer little bit angry, and some of us afraid about that. My first comment when i saw Mr. Kir face is little bit scary and firm. But when class started, he showed that he is a humorous person. We often laughed when he told us something funny, even sometimes Mr Kir showed us funny face and sound that make our class laugh out loud.

That is my words for the lecturer, now i wanna give my notes for the study. When i knew that i will learn about marketing, i am excited. first Mr. Kir told us "Marketing is the ART of SELLING PRODUCT". 

The product can be ideas, goods, and services, places, experience, events, properties, etc. But to sell products is not easy, we will face some problems like how to choose right market, how to make our products different with others, how we make our brand strong, how to make our customer loyal, etc. 

Marketing mix is a concept how to make a good concept to sell products.  
  1. Product is something that can be offered to a market to be owned, used, or consumed, which can satisfy the desires or needs. Can be goods, services, experiences, ideas, events, people, places, properties, organizations, and information . 
  2. Price is the amount of money paid by the consumer to purchase the product. Prices can be used to reach the hearts of consumers, such as through price cuts discount, customers get an "incentive".
  3. Place also called distribution channels, namely the activities of the company to get the product to the target consumer. 
  4. Promotion is the company's activities in introducing and delivering products to the consumer and their values. Promotion can be done by conducting sales promotion and advertising in print and electronic media. 
Mr Kirbrandoko also talked about selling concept versus marketing concept, we can get information from picture below

Text Book

Sumarwan Ujang; Agus Djunaedi; Aviliani; H.C Royke; Jusuf Agus Sayono; Rico R Budidarmo; Sofyan Rambe. (Strategic Marketing: Strategy for Corporate Growth and Share Holder Value).- Pemasaran Strategik: Strategi Untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dalam Penciptaan Nilai bagi Pemegang Saham . Published by  Inti Prima, Februari 2009, ISBN 979-450-451-3

Sumarwan, U., Achmad Fachrodji., Adman Nursal., Arissetyanto Nugroho., Erry Ricardo Nurzal., Ign Anung Setiadi., Suharyono., Zeffry Alamsyah. 2010. Pemasaran Strategik: Persfektif Value-Based Marketing dan Pengukuran Kinerja. Bogor, IPB Press. Inti Prima, Februari 2009, ISBN 979-450-451-3

Ujang Sumarwan (Editor). 2015. Pemasaran Strategik: Perspektif Perilaku Konsumen dan Marketing Plan.